William Henry Sothoron

Will of Luke Marbury. William Henry Sothoron, grandson, to be paid £500 by daus. Henrietta Beanes Clagett and Caroline Marbury when he reaches the age of 21, and monies to be held in equal shares by daughters in the meantime. (Wills TT#1:14, Prince George’s Co., 1809.01.15, Proved 1809.04.26)

Named & served as executor of his father’s will of 1832 (see his Notes)

Henry Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. married Elizabeth Marbury (born ca. 1773), daughter of Col. Luke Marbury of Piscataway, on 27 November 1796; they had issue: William Henry Sothoron married Miss Barber. (Bowie* :551)

William H. Sothoron licensed on 5 Oct 1830 to marry Susanna Barber. (Brumbaugh* 1:390, St. Mary’s Co.) (See wife’s Notes for her tombstone inscription)

Susan Rebecca Sothoron born to William H. & Susan Cornelia Rowles Sothoron on 20 October 1833, baptized 13 August 1834 at W.H. Sothoron's. (Trinity Parish Register, Charles Co.)

William H. Sothoron v William G. Hardy. Charles Co. Court considered claim that Sothoron had become indebted to Isidore Hardy on 2 Jan 1820 for wine, drink, washing & lodging furnished defendant & his servants, or for provender furnished his horses, & for hire of horses. Isidiore transferred the debt to Hardy, & also upon an inismul computassent for same debt. The defendant pleaded non assumpsit & statute of limitations (3 years).

- Plaintiff filed account in Charles Co. Court in Aug 1835: 

- Amount of William H. Sothoron’s tavern account, on the books of Isidore Hardy, Dec 3d, 1818, to the 2d Jan 1820. $103.18 ¾.


- 1821, Aug 17 by William Dyer’s acceptance for 35.50.

- To interest on this balance from 2d Jan, 1821 $67.68 ¾.

Sothoron had told Hardy he thought his father had paid the account & promised to search for evidence and, if not found, to pay the debt. Hardy claimed debt not paid.

- County Court found for plaintiff (Hardy). An exception was noted regarding the statute of limitations. The Court of Appeals upheld the decision. (Gill* 8:133, 1836.12)

** Church activity - Maryland

James Morton's List for 1828 includes credits for William Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, William H. Sothoron & William B. Sothoron. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, Trinity Parish, Charles Co.)

William H. Sothoron elected to the Vestry. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., 1832.03)

William H. Sothoron & Arundel Smith were elected to the Vestry. (Reg of Vital Records, Trinity Parish, Charles Co. B{MSA M260}, 1832.04.23)

William H. Sothoron qualified as a Vestryman. He attended meetings erratically. (Reg of Vital Records, Trinity Parish, Charles Co. B{MSA M260}, 1832.05.07)

William H. Sothoron was reelected to the Vestry. He attended meetings erratically. (Reg of Vital Records, Trinity Parish, Charles Co. B{MSA M260}, 1833.04.08)

William H. Sothoron was reelected to the Vestry. He attended meetings sporadically. ((Reg of Vital Records, Trinity Parish, Charles Co. B{MSA M260}, 1834.03.30)

Wm. H. Sothoron credited for payment of 5.00 on 12 May 1834, (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:34, Trinity Parish, Charles Co.)

W.H. Sothoron credited with payment of 27.00 on subscription papers on 6 Oct 1834. ((Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, Trinity Parish, Charles Co.)

William H. Sothoron a vestryman since 1833. (Summary of Hist of Trinity Parish {MSA M228}, Charles Co., 1835)

William H. Sothoron was balloted out of the Vestry. (Reg of Vital Records, Trinity Parish, Charles Co. B{MSA M260}, 1835.04.20)

William H. Sothoron's drought on Pike & Neal for 141.00 noted. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:38, Trinity Parish, Charles Co., 1836.03.05)

** Land records - Maryland

William H. Sothoron of Charles Co. deeds to Horatio Canter of same Co for $125, land lying on the head of mill pond of Sothoron in Cooksey's Swamp, 3 acres 20 pp. (Abstracts F#1{StM#3A}:100, St. Mary’s Co., 1832.11.05, Recorded 1833.02.23)

Request for deed of partition of lands left to the children of Luke W. Barber late of St. Mary’s Co., now holding as tenants in common in equal shares:

- Cornelius Barber of St. Mary’s Co. & Margaret his wife take Keys Part of Luckland (200 acres) & Cornelius Addition (113 7/8 acres), both in St. Mary’s Co..

- Caroline A. Barber Hutchins of St. Mary’s Co. takes Part of Westham (478 acres), Leith (130 acres), Morris' Purchase (145 acres) and Ridge (17 7/8 acres), all in St. Mary’s Co..

- William H. Sothoron of Charles Co. & Susanna C.R. Barber Sothoron his wife take Luckland (230 acres) in St. Mary’s Co..

  - Julia Ann Barber of St. Mary’s Co. takes Baltimores Gift (187 4/5 acres), Sarum (150 acres) & Hallow (96 acres), all in Charles Co.; & Part of Hard Bargain (113 acres), in St. Mary's Co.

- Witness: William Henry Neale, Richard Edelen Jr. (IB#20:475, Charles Co., 1833.04.13, Recorded 1833.07.23

Indenture of four parts made 13 April 1833 between: Cornelius Barber & wife Margeret of St. Mary's Co., MD; Caroline R. Hutchins (formerly Caroline Barber) of same county; William H. Sothoron & wife Susanna C.R. (formerly Susanna C.R. Barber) of Charles Co., MD; Julian Barber of St. Mary's Co., MD. Barbers are children of the late Luke W. Barber of St. Mary's Co. dec'd. are "...Seized in fee Simple, and have and hold as tenants in common in equal Shares..." several tracts of land. All agree to the following partitioning: - Cornelius Barber to own "Keys Part Luckland," 200 acres; "Cornelius' Addition," 113 7/8 acres; all in St. Mary's Co. - Caroline R. Hutchins to own "Part of West Ham," 478 acres; "Leith," 130 acres; "Morris Purchase," 145 acres; "Ridge," 17 7/8 acres; all in St. Mary's Co. - Susanna C.R. Sothoron to own "Luckland," 230 acres in St. Mary's Co. - Julia Ann Barber to own "Baltimore's Gift," 187 4/5 acres; "Sarum," 150 acres; "Hallow," 96 acres; all in Charles Co. Also "Hard Bargain," 113 acres & 10 perches in St. Mary's Co. Signed by Cornelius Barber, M.C. Barber, Wm. H. Sothoron, Susanna C.R. Sothoron, Caroline R. Hutchins & Julia Ann Barber. Witnessed by Wm. Henry Neale & Richd. Edelen. Certified & recorded same date. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#9:444)

Indenture of 2 November 1833 between Cornelius Barber & wife Margaret C., Caroline R. Hutchins, Robert Neale & wife Julia Ann, all of St. Mary's Co., MD; and William H. Sothoron & wife Susanna C.R. of Charles Co., MD. Elizabeth B. Barber, wife of Geo. Barber, is entitled to dower interest in lands known as Luckland, Leith & Westham, which were sold by George to Luke W. Barber. Other parties wish to release lands of dower interest as submitted to John T. Stoddert & Luke P. Barber as arbitrators, who found that lands should be conveyed to said Luke E. Barber in trust for use & maintenance of said Elizabeth B. Barber, known as "Briscoe farm" or "Elizabeth purchase," 151 acres in Chaptico Manor (as surveyed 13 Dec 1783), as well as 50 acres of woodland contiguous thereto being part of "Hard Bargain," metes & bounds of which are given. Signed by Cornelius Barber, Margaret C. Barber, Caroline R. Hutchins, Robert Neale, Julia Ann Neale, William H. Sothoron, Susanna C.R. Sothoron. Witnessed by Wm. Henry Neale, Horace D. Swann. Certified same date, recorded 17 May 1834. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:92)

Indenture of 10 May 1834 between George Barber & wife Elizabeth B. of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Cornelius Barber, William H. Sothoron & wife Susan, Caroline R. Hutchins & Julia Ann Barber. Said Elizabeth A. Barber is entitled to a dower's interest in properties known as Luckland, Leith & Westham, sold earlier by said George Barber to Luke W. Barber. Arbitrators John T. Stoddert & Luke P. Barber ruled that George & Elizabeth B. Barber should execute a deed for the dower interest. Lands to be conveyed for additional fee of $5.00. Signed by Geo. Barber & Elizabeth B. Barber, witnessed by Horace D. Swann & Wm. Henry Neale. Certified same date, recorded 19 August 1834. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:145)

Capt. George R. Gaither Eliz., Mary, Emily Childs
Alexander Fisher        merchants       John D. Bowling
William D. Miller   Francis Neale
William E. Mayhew   Ignatius Pike
Joseph Janney
Darcy A. Frency
William H. Sothoron
John Glenn
Mordecai Miller
Henrietta Dixon
Estate of Samuel Childs

Samuel Childs was indebted to claimants, gave a promisory note on 18 Oct 1832 for $555 payable with interest in 6 months. Samuel died, his widow Elizabeth & John D. Childs executors. The firm of B. & S. Childs dissolved in 1832, Samuel to be responsible for the firm's debts. Tract of land in Charles Co. called Tanyard was purchased by S. Childs from Henry Sothoron since deceased, most monies paid to Sothoron before his death, the balance to his only heir William H. Sothoron. Deed never received by Childs. Pike & Neal of Baltimore claim a mortgage on the tract; Childs claimed the mortgage was satisfied, and mortgaged it to Patrick Dixon, deceased without heirs in Maryland.

- John Glenn the trustee for Benjamin Childs who filed for relief under an Act of Assembly for insolvency.

- 9 August 1837. In Chancery, the Bill taken pro confesso against absent defendants, & that real estate & property be sold for satisfaction of mortgage & other debts due, John D. Bowling of Charles Co. trustee. (Chancery Papers 7993 {Recorded 60:302}, Charles Co., Recorded 1834)

- Henry Sothoron, now deceased, had sold tract of land called Tanyard to Samuel Childs. The greater part of the purchase price was paid to Samuel before his death, the balance to his only heir William H. Sothoron of Charles Co.. Deed was never received. Ignatius Pike & Francis Neale of Baltimore City claim to hold mortgage on the property. (Chancery Rec 60:302, 1834.08.04)

Indenture of 19 August 1835 between William H. Sothoron & wife Susanna C.R. Sothoron, and James F. Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD. Samuel Bond of Prince George's Co., MD died in 1818, and by his will granted unto his four nephews (John, Zachariah, Henry & James Forbes Sothoron) all his real estate in Prince George's Co., commonly known as Bond's Retreat & containing a part of the following tracts: Piscataway Manor, Hansonton & Nonsuch. Henry Sothoron subsequently sold his share to James F. Sothoron for monies received, but died before executing an indenture. William H. Sothoron is the only heir of Henry Sothoron and wishes to complete the transfer of ownership. Wit: H. Compton & Wm. Hall. Recorded 10 Nov 1835. (Prince George's Co., MD Court AB#10:11)

** Tax Assessments - 1846, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland (Fenwick*)

District 4. Wm. H. Sothoron hrs. Slaves: 0. Lands: Lapland, 230 acres. Total: 4.600.

District 5. Wm. H. Sothoron, Geo. Thomas, Admr. Lands: –. Slaves: 6. Total: 1.600.

**  Slave Trading - (Ancestry.com* - images of New Orleans, LA Slave Manifests and attached documents)

The bark "Tweed" of Baltimore, under command of R. Robinson, arrived in New Orleans, LA on 25 Oct 1836 carrying 21 Black & Mulatto slaves, owned by John D. Bowling of Benedict, MD, consigned to W.H. Sothoron of New Orleans, and conveyed to Joseph Minard.

The bark "Tweed" of Baltimore, under command of R. Robinson, arrived at New Orleans, LA on 25 Oct 1836 carrying 45 "...Negroes, Mulatoes and persons of Color...taken on board & brought to New Orleans "...to be sold or disposed of as slaves, or to be held to service." The owner or shipper was William H. Sothoron of Benedict, Md.; consignee was W.H. Sothoron of New Orleans. (sic)

** Death, will & estate - Maryland


are entombed the remains



son of

...ry and Elizabeth Sothoron

.. ied at Vicksburg Mississippi,

on the 30th of November 1836

In the 40th year of his age

and was deposited here

on the 1st of March 1837

A better word never uttered within the

bosom of man.


Grave Marker, Sothoron Family Cemetery,The Plains, St. Mary’s Co., MD.


William H. Sothoron wills all of his real & personal property to be equally divided between his two children Henry Sothoron & Susanna Rebecca Sothoron. If the children are dead without issue, estate to be divided between cousin John H. Sothoron, friend Samuel P. Webster & the 2 children of Caroline Hutchins (Luke W. Hutchins & Caroline R. Hutchins). A watch & jewelry to go to Caroline Hutchins in trust for his own children. Executors friends George Thomas of St. Mary’s Co. & William D. Merrick of Charles Co.. Witness: William B. Scott, John A. Pye, John D. Bowling. (Wills DJ#16:92, Charles Co., 1836.11.30, Proved 1837.02.24)

Inventory of William H. Sothoron late of Charles Co.. Appraisors assigned 24 March 1837. Estate includes 16 Negroes, 4 mules, 13 horses, 6 yoke of oxen, 23 cattle, 10 beds, many books. Valued at $12,955.32½. Validity attested by William D. Merrick, one of the executors, on 10 April 1837. (Inv {MSA WK-253-254-3}:425, Charles Co., 1837.04.05, Recorded 1837.04.10)

List of debts of the estate of William H. Sothoron. (Inv {MSA WK-253-254-3}:479, Charles Co., 1837.08.21, Recorded 1837.08.25)

Additional inventory in the estate of William H. Sothoron. Attested by George Thomas, one of the executors. (Inv {MSA WK-253-254-3}:476, Charles Co., 1837.04.26, Recorded 1837.08.25)

Henry G.S. Key of St. Mary's Co & Barnard Hooe of Alexandria, Va versus John T. P., Zachariah P., James F., Henry, Susanna R. Sothoron

- Notes agreement between John Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. & Henry Sothoron late of Charles Co. (see below). Henry Sothoron took possession of land & made some payments. On about 7 October 1826 John Sothoron published his will, passing lands to Henry in fee simple, appointing him along with complainant as executors. John died about 1 November 1826. His executors gave bond, Henry making several payments on the account, leaving a debt balance by 15 March 1826 of $6,009.36. Henry Sothoron made his will 18 January 1832, appointing his son-in-law John Truman Hawkins & his only child William H. Sothoron as executors. The estate of Henry Sothoron including his equitable sale of noted land descended to his only child & heir at law William Henry Sothoron, late of Charles Co. dec'd. William made further payments, reducing the balance by 9 August 1833 to $3,991.02. Will of William H. Sothoron published 30 November 1836, demising his whole estate to be divided equally between his 2 children, Henry Sothoron & Susanna Rebecca Sothoron; if both deceased, then to cousin John Henry Sothoron & friend Samuel P. Webster. William H. Sothoron died 28 February 1837. John Sothoron left 4 children: John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James Philip & Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron; Mary died in infancy, others still infants. John made provision for his widow in lieu of her dower and thirds. The children of William H. are infants. Balance of payment still due, with interest from 9 August 1833. Prays for appointment of guardian for infants, payment of monies due, sale of property if necessary to make payment.

- Agreement dated 27 June 1826. John Sothoron sells to Henry Sothoron lands next to lands now lived on by Henry, near Benedict, derived from brother Zachariah who had lived there, for $10,000. Henry is to secure to John and heirs, and of James F. Sothoron of and as to certain debts or bonds due from the estate of Horatio C. McElderry & George Forbes to the estate of their late uncle Samuel Bond. Balance payable in 6 years with interest from 1 Jan next. Henry is out of interest money to pay the widow of Zachariah Sothoron, their late brother, $200 as devised by Zachariah, in lieu of her dower; if she claims dower, Henry is to retain so much of the principal as would yield interest equivalent to the right of dower. Bears signatures of John & Henry Sothoron.

- Will of John Sothoron, 7 Oct 1826, 28 Nov 1826

- Will of Henry Sothoron, 18 Jan 1832, 13 Nov 1832

- Will of William H. Sothoron of Charles Co., 30 Nov 1836, 24 Feb 1837.

- Appointment of William T. Maddox as guardian to infants John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James P. Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Appointment of George Combs as guardian to infants Henry, Susanna Rebecca Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Interrogatories of John H. Briscoe dated 4 Feb 1839. Notes that Zachariah Sothoron died in 1825 or 1826, his wife 3 years ago.

- Final decree of Chancery Court, 11 February 1840. John Scott of Baltimore City trustee in sale of property to satisfy debt. (Chancery Papers 9156, St. Mary’s Co., FIled1838.06.26)

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

At the place of W.H. Sothoron Esq., the funeral & burial of one male and one female servant. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., 1832.11.11)

Married: at the residence of Mr Wm H Sothoron, by Rev Mr Young, Dr Robert Neale to Miss Julia Ann Barber, both of St. Mary’s Co, Md. (Dixon*, 1832-1833.:490, 1833.11.19, Reported 1833.11.27)

At Mr. Sothoron's, baptism of Elizabeth Milleman, born 25 August to Hez. T. & M.A. Bunos. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., 1834.04.13)

Will of Julia Ann Neale. To husband Robert Neale, all land inherited from her father’s estate in St. Mary’s Co.; to then pass to her sister Caroline R. Hutchins, along with slaves. Sister Susan R. Sothoron to receive a gold watch after testator’s husband’s death, plus 2 new quilts.

- Friend Rebecca Neale to receive husband’s minature & testator’s bureau.

- Executor: husband. Witnesses: Susanna Sothoron, Eliza A. Neale, William H. Sothoron. (Reno(4)* :171 {Wills EJM#1:322}, St. Mary’s Co., 1834.12.09, Proved 1835.06.09)

Will of John Truman Hawkins. In Codicil dated 5 April 1835, $500 due him from William Henry Sothoron is devised to wife Zora Hawkins. (Reno(4)* :166 {EJM#1:307}, St. Mary’s Co., 1835.04.05, Proved 1835.06.09)

Debts due to the estate of John T. Hawkins of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd. From Henry Sothoron on note bearing interest from 25 Dec 1828. From William H. Sothoron on note bearing interest from 16 Nov 1831. From Lora Hodges wife of John T. H. Sothoron on note bearing interest from 20 Dec 1831. (Orphans Court EIM#3{MSA CR-35708}:477, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1835.07.14)

Inventory of debts due Mary E.A. Sothoron. Monies due William H. & James F. Sothoron for hire of Negroes, including those hired at Bond's Retreat since 1829. (Inv GC#1{MSA CR-35708}:13, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1835.12.04)

At W. H. Sothoron's, the burial of a servant man and woman. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, Charles Co., 1837.05.21)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.